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Columbia Archives publishes Jeffrey H Brodsky oral history site!

In June 2024, Columbia University published The Jeffrey H. Brodsky oral history collection containing dozens of interviews with politicians, news figures and celebrities of the early to mid-2000s all conducted by Jeff. The "Browse Content" button on the home page takes you directly to all available digital material, and the tabs at the top will bring you to different essays about the collection. There is so much of Jeff’s personality in this collection, and researchers will gain a real sense of who he was and his values as an oral historian. View the entire collection here!

The family asks that donations be made to the Nackey S. Loeb School of Communications, P.O. Box 4114 Manchester, NH 03108 in honor of Jeff Brodsky. There will be a private family burial. A service to honor his life will be held at Temple Adath Yeshurun 152 Prospect St, Manchester, NH 03104, Please add your email address, and our family will share  the remembrance service time and location with you. 

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